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This is what IT looks like!

Pastor DR McKillop presenting the renderings of our new worship facility.

May 26, 2019 was a monumental weekend at FWC. This was the long-awaited reveal showcasing the conceptual design of our new Worship Center. Leading up to this weekend, hours of consulting, brainstorming and collaborating went into this project. 

FWC has been blessed with a talent pool that is mind boggling. When we met to plan the reveal, and how things would unfold throughout this historic service, a number of great ideas were brought to the table. For example: Jody Burgoyne offered to construct a “to-scale” model of our project. We contacted our architects, and they graciously sent the appropriate files. Over the next few days, countless hours was devoted to cutting out and assembling this detailed model of our new facility. Thanks to Kent, Colby, Connor, Ryan, and Jordan.

Then, it was handed off to Ashley Baker and Alison Cassista. They dedicated over 50 hours to caulking and painting this model. The result was an absolutely stunning, tangible model of our new home. We are SO THANKFUL for all of the effort that went into making this a reality.

Late Saturday night, everything was covertly set up (and cloaked) in preparation for the reveal Sunday morning. When the congregation assembled, the excitement was palpable.

As the presentation began, oohs and ahhhs were heard throughout the building.

From the first glimpses, everyone was in love. As the presentation concluded, the congregation was invited to the foyer for a hands on interaction with the to-scale-model of this project. 

Now that our eyes have seen, and our hands have handled — we can’t wait to “walk” through the doors. Stay tuned.

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